Inducida IV and Gramola © Valentina CR 2017
For the first part of the CavalReal breeding project, we selected a small number of PRE mares of different types and origins, to study which type and bloodlines that would give the best match with our foundation stallion Fer Bulería.
Some of the mares such as Gramola and Controlada VG arrived pregnant, so we did not count their offspring Sueca III and Capritx as our own breeding although they were born under the CavalReal name.
As soon as our own offspring from Fer Bulería started arriving, we started naming the foals in alphabetical order according to Spanish tradition, starting from the first-born generation of Alpha, Alcázar, Aurora, Africano and Atila Real.
Although of different types, mares we selected had a few things in common. They all had very good morpohology for sport / movements, they were mentally and physically strong, and they all had good to excellent gaits in all three gaits, something that is difficult to find in purebred Spanish horses.
There was only one mare, Controlada VG, that did not have a stable mentality because of the circumstances around her own birth. The offspring she gave us turned out to be prone to accidents, from small to lethal, so we did not continue breeding with her.
To aim for offspring of a height of final height of 165 - 170 cm (16.1 - 16.3hh), we selected mares that we deemed could give this size. Four of the mares, Gramola, Inducida, Esmeralda and Hechizo VG were of regular Spanish size of around 162 - 163 cm but nevertheless gave offspring of around 165 - 166 cm with Fer Bulería. The other two mares, Gala VG and Hiedra VG were 170 cm tall and gave offspring of 165 - 166 cm with Fer Bulería. We got a couple of smaller offspring around 162 cm, that nevertheless had exceptional quality movements as well as perfect morphology (Africano, Atila, Aurora).

Gala VG


Hiedra VG

Inducida IV

Esmeralda CXXXV

Controlada VG

Hechizo VG
The CavalReal PRE foundation mares are:
Esmeralda CXXXV – Mother of Atila Real 2014